Sunday, January 01, 2006


10 Predictions for 2006

1. Windows Vista will be released before Christmas shopping season but it will be a rush job and VSP1 won't be released until mid-2008.

2. People will enjoy features like tabbed browsing and a built in RSS reader in IE7; not realizing, of course, that other browsers have had these features for quite some time.

3. Mozilla-Firefox reaches 15% of browser share.

4. The U.S. will reduce troop levels in and Iraq. Democrats will then criticize Bush's "cut and run" tactics.

5. Bush will be blamed for every natural disaster that happens (and not just those that affect the U.S.) including hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes, and floods.

6. People who tout personal responsibility in order to prepare for those natural disasters will be labeled evil, mean, right-wing fascists [sic] by the ilk of those referred to in item seven.

7. Barbara S-------- will renew her Los Angeles Times subscription because she was unable to figure out to use the Web in order to search for and read liberal commentary and opinion.

8. OBL will not be captured.

9. The Bird Flu does surface in the U.S. but is controlled with very few people being affected. Remember SARS? Of course you don't and bird flu will fade like SARS did.

10. I will not have time to read 26 books again next year; maybe 15-20.


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