Saturday, August 19, 2006

CBS' Comedy Lineup

I saw that CBS is airing a tribute to Dan "I'd" Rather "not tell the truth." From the AP story:
"He is grateful for stepping back and looking at what is an incredible contribution to CBS and to journalism. He's very proud of that."
Man, I don't think I can stop laughing long enough to type any more! "Incredible contribution to CBS and to journalism." HAHAHAHA. His "contribution" is nothing more that showing that it's OK to forge documents and pass them off as truth in order to further a personal agenda. But, since he was trying to besmirch Bush, the MSM turns their head and gives their old buddy a free pass. No wonder the big three dinosaur media outlets are scrambling to figure out why they are going extinct.

In a related story, Katie Couric said that she might go to a war zone if "...her presence would advance a story ..." (Baltimore Sun). Allow me to translate: "If I can make Bush or the U.S. look bad and incite more ill will towards America, then I will go and make a story out of it."

Katie, here's a tip: if you decide to forge some documents using Microsoft Word, make sure you date them to a point in time after Microsoft Word was developed.


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