Friday, October 27, 2006

Hillary on Gandhi and Treasonous Teddy

Since the MSM gives Democrats a free pass when they make "insensitive" comments, I thought I'd post a reminder:

click for sound clip

New Yorkers who vote for Hillary are almost as bad as Massachusettians who vote for Teddy the Traitor. Somehow, the MSM missed that one, too.

A quick search through Google News returns 25 hits for "Kennedy KGB" and 35,500 for "Mark Foley." The same query through Yahoo! News gives 7 for the former and 16,110 for the latter. Keep in mind that Foley is no longer in Congress but Teddy still is. Media bias? What media bias?


At 04:26, Anonymous said...

I should tell Pres. Bush about this. He uses "the Google" after all. Yahoo! News also gives 19,764 hits for Mark Foley compared against a piddling 765 for Gerry Studds. A minority of those articles, in turn, point out any comparison that could possibly be made between Foley and Studds.

And that's not the end of it, either.

Sinister liberal bias or algorithmic fluke? Ockham's Razor tells me to go with the latter.

Also, Hillary would be talking about गांधी, not घांदी.

At 13:53, Stooperman said...

Who the heck is Tom Foley?

At 02:27, Anonymous said...

Well, Tom Foley is kind of like Mark Foley, just like 'Dave' Lamberti is kind of like Jeff Lamberti, at least in the alternate Bizarro world wingnuts live in.

"Dave and I believe a lot of things." LOL. More reasons not to abuse cocaine and go on a twenty-year bender like our president.

At 03:10, Anonymous said...

Bill Maher gets his show cancelled for saying that killing yourself to achieve a (bad) goal isn't cowardly and Bill O'Reilly stays on air after this drivel:

"Now to me, they’re not fighting it hard enough. See, if I’m president, I got probably another 50-60 thousand with orders to shoot on sight anybody violating curfews. Shoot them on sight. That’s me… President O’Reilly… Curfew in Ramadi, seven o’clock at night. You’re on the street? You’re dead. I shoot you right between the eyes. Ok? That’s how I run that country. Just like Saddam ran it. Saddam didn’t have explosions - he didn’t have bombers. Did he? because if you got out of line, you’re dead."

Wow...fight turning into Saddam! Brilliant! Typical wingnut pretend tough guy.

At 10:56, bwsnyder said...

My goof. I changed it and ran the searches again and they returned bigger numbers.

As for Maher getting the hook, maybe no one was watching. I know I wasn't.

At 15:52, Anonymous said...

He has his own show on HBO now...well worth watching, because he makes all of his guests laugh uproariously, even the wingnuts who use lame red herring arguments and get booed loudly by the audience when they put their foot in their mouth.

Just to be 'fair and balanced', I watch shows like The Factor and 700 Club because they crack me up even more. Falafel!


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