1. In 19 days, BHO takes office. Look for the MSM to go into BDS mode when BHO can't fix something with a simple hand motion.
2. George Snootupobamasass will need to invest in a thicker makeup nose-covering cream.
3. Rising oil and gasoline prices. Around mid-May, we should start seeing "When Obama took office, gas was $1.xx a gallon" bumper stickers on the same cars that had the "When Bush took office, gas was $1.46 a gallon" stickers. Yeah, right.
4. Another year of the failed war on poverty. Well, more accurately, another year of fighting poverty by continuing the war on the self-made.
5. It would be funny to watch this Keystone Cops Congress bumble and fumble about, except that they should be running the country, not ruining it. Someone ought to call for change.
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