The plan for this year calls for one half-marathon and a fall marathon. My fingers are crossed that I'll into the NYC Marathon this year. If not, I haven't decided on a backup yet.
Add another 361 for velo and that's 1268 miles moving forward; a big drop from 2011 when I logged 975/474.
Happy 2013!
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I completed the Philadelphia Marathon yesterday. Being my second marathon, it was easy to set a PR. I beat my time in the Pittsburgh Marathon by 11 minutes.
9:56 pace
6730 out of 11422 finishers
My goal was a 4:15 and, up to around mile 15 or so, I was around a 9:10 pace and had a good shot at a low 4 finish. I never hit the wall but by mile 18 the feet and hamstrings were beginning to hurt. I didn't walk too much during this one, maybe 5-8 times for under a minute each time.
I high-fived Mayor Nutter at the finish line!
Overall, a well organized marathon; lots of enthusiastic spectators and great volunteers.
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I learned how to ride a unicycle this summer. It probably took around 15 hours of practice. I still need work on turning and idling. The unicycle in this video is a no-name 20" that cost around $50. I have a 24" Torker on my Xmas list.
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R.I.P. Commander Armstrong
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Elements of the 1st Infantry Division land in France, June 6, 1944.
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1:56:19 - PR - my goal was sub-2. I'm glad to finally get that off my back after a disappointing half last October where I was on sub-2 pace until the side stitches felled me around mile six and resulted in 2:06 and change. No side stitches this time. I ran wearing the Merrell Trail Glove.
From the start, I paced behind the 1:50 group but finally lost sight of them around miles 7-8. The 1:55 group passed me around 10 but I was able to keep them in sight until the end. I hit the halfway point around 55 and change, mile 7 around 59 and change and 10 around 1:26. Once I hit 7 at 59 minutes I knew I could PR if I could run the next 6.1 miles in less than an hour. The hills around miles 7-9 were a b*tch and that's were I did some brief walking. Nonetheless, it was a successful run. Rest week is ahead and then I'll drop back into 10-12 miles a week and try to get more velo in.
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What 'change' looks like. Thanks Barry!
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Occupy Movement v. Tea Party: The Facts
And anyone else notice that even though things were soooooooo terrible under Bush, the riots are happening under Obama? Hope and Change strikes again!
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