Another Meme 

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Today's Meme 

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Obama Agony Index 
What 'change' looks like. Thanks Barry!

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Occupy Movement v. Tea Party: The Facts 
Occupy Movement v. Tea Party: The Facts

And anyone else notice that even though things were soooooooo terrible under Bush, the riots are happening under Obama? Hope and Change strikes again!

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The Doorbell Rang 

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Hope and Change Update - Aug. 8 

Dow Skids 600, Worst Day Since Credit Crisis

Senator Kerry may want to blame the Tea Party for this too. Senator, I have news for you: if the Tea Party were even half as influential and you seem to think they are, Obama would have been impeached and removed from office by now.

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It's A Lesson to Me 

So I'm in the mood to listen to some Dead. Fine. But in the right pane of suggestions are what I would expect - Dead songs, except for the top entry: "Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin". Obviously, that's a previously unrecorded Dead song I am not familiar with.

WTF does Matt Damon's opinion of Sarah Palin have to do with the Grateful Dead? Oh wait, this is Youtube, a Google subsidiary; an extension of the left-wing establishment.

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Fear Mongering by the AP 

Wearing a 1940's German military uniform for reenacting? The horror! Next thing you know, someone will be portraying Amon Goeth in a movie!

This article serves no other purpose than to cause fear. Liberal bias by the media? Nah. If this guy were a Democrat, he'd be called a history buff.

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A Trip Down Memory Lane 

...and speaking of April Fool's Day, the woman at 3:47 may be the biggest fool of all.

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Petition to Redistribute GPA's 

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In a picture: Bush vs. Obama 
In a picture: Bush vs. Obama on Twitpic

Click image for full-sized picture.

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Funny how these stories just didn't get the coverage that recent stories about assumed conservatives acting in anger about this health care handout do.

via Instapundit:

REMEMBERING WHEN G.O.P. Offices Were Vandalized: “An apparent mob of vandals attacked the North Carolina Republican Party headquarters, causing minor smoke damage, breaking windows and leaving vulgar messages, police said.” I don’t remember a national panic over this, or over the bullet-riddled Bush/Cheney headquarters.

Then there was this episode. And, of course, this: “A group of protesters stormed and then ransacked a Bush-Cheney headquarters building in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, according to Local 6 News.”

But those represented the righteous indignation of oppressed lefties, rather than the dangerous violence of nasty righties.

Remember the media outcry from these events? Me neither.

How about this Vietnam Vet's home being vandalized? Didn't hear about that one, either. Or this one, either: "Mary Landrieu: I'll Punch Bush, 'Literally'". Classy. Somehow, this didn't seem to be big news either.

Media bias? Nah.

And let's not forget who makes up a majority of protesters at G20 summits or who commits ecoterrorism. Hint: if they vote, they weren't voting Bush/Cheney or McCain/Palin, that's for sure.

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