A Lobbyist? 
Forty-eight Republicans and seven Democrats voted to strip the requirement in lobbying reform bill that would make some bloggers register as lobbyists. Link

One thing that didn't make sense was how they would determine who should be a lobbyist and who shouldn't. For example, I don't know if I have 500 readers of my blog or not. Sure, I can see my site stats and the traffic and what parts of my site are being viewed but that doesn't give me the number of people who read my blog. My site's stats do show which country my readers come from too. If I comment on an issue and someone in Germany reads it, is that still considered a grassroots cause? Additionally, the blog is just one part of my site and I comment on a range of topics, not just politics, so I wasn't sure what the ruling on that would be.

The other thing about this proposed item was that it would have created more lobbyists. It seems to me that a big problem in Washington is too many lobbyists to begin with. Adding more would be crippling, that is if things can actually get worse than they are. If anything, a lobbying reform bill should contain one provision and one provision only - to ban lobbyists.

Well, luckily it's a dead issue right now. It will probably make a comeback soon enough though.

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