Canis latrans 
I saw another coyote just beyond the property line of my yard a few days ago. it was about 3 pm and I was in the kitchen with the patio door to my right and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a deer. I looked and it was no deer. It was a coyote. It was too big to be a fox but it didn't look as big as the coyote I saw in the same spot in 2005. It wasn't a dog either and I could tell it didn't have a collar.

As I did the last time, I grabbed my camera and by the time I got out the door, he ran into the woods - the same spot as before. Undaunted, I ran outside to about 10 yards from the spot he was standing but saw nothing. However, I did hear a flurry of activity from the birds, akin to how they chirp when my cat is about. The cat was inside this time so they were either chirping at the coyote or another animal.

On a side note, about two weeks ago, I noticed bite marks on my cat. I assumed it was from a dog or larger cat. I'm wondering if my cat has seen the coyote up close; something I've been unable to do. I just want to get close enough to snap a photograph.

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