The Heat is On 
Whoa, nellie! We are getting an early heat wave. Forecast highs for the next four days are: 95, 95, 95, and 90. I wonder if we will hit these numbers or not. Past personal observations point to that when we get our first heat wave of the year, temperatures usually miss the mark by a few degrees.

I am also awaiting the first blaming of this on global warming; especially since heat waves never happened before 01/20/01. We very well may set record high temperatures so I wonder what they called it, for example, when today's record high of 98 was set in 1925?

I am also reminded of how I use regional cold spells as proof that global warming is not happening. But when some blowhard uses a regional heat wave to prove global warming, it's taken as absolute proof. Never mind that we are both using the same test subject in the sample. Claims by the global warming zealots are always taken as truth, no matter how selective the data is.

Also, this will be fun to see people wither and melt and blast their a/c and then complain about how much a gallon of gasoline, or energy in general, costs. Our air conditioner is still wrapped in the winterizing plastic and I have no plans on unsealing it. I will, however, take the room air conditioner down from the attic and put it in the kids' room. I can take the heat but one year-olds need to be babied. Too bad so many adults need to be babied too.

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