Democrats Oppose Progress 
So much for being "progressive."

Senate OKs 4-month delay to digital TV changeover

Unbelievable; and the follies have just begun. They've been advertising this change for two years plus.

The irony is that if people don't understand this changeover, making their TV's unusable would actually be doing them a favor.

Update (01/28) House defeats bill to delay digital TV transition

from the article:

The defeat is a setback for President Barack Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill, who maintain that the Bush administration bungled efforts to ensure that all consumers — particularly poor, rural and low-income Americans — will be ready for next month's analog shut-off.

Of course Bush bungled it. It's the government's responsibility to make sure you have a television that works. But, hey, I guess if people can't understand what "get out, now" means when a Category 4 Hurricane bears down on them, they certainly would not understand what "Analog television sets receiving free TV using an antenna will not work after February 17, 2009. Television viewers with these sets that are not connected to a pay TV service need to take action now. Most consumers who purchase a converter box today can connect it to their existing television and begin enjoying the benefits of digital television immediately." means.

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