<sarc> I'm glad 
...that so many of us voted for "change." I really enjoy watching 13 years of investing dwindle into nothing. </sarc>

Gee, let's vote in a left of left liberal to complement the nincompoops in Congress; you know, that Democratic majority of nincompoops we elected in in 2006. Worst congress ever (approval ratings much lower than Bush and a historic Gallup low) and an inexperienced candidate - and one who was part of that congress; yeah, that'll work.

I think it's time for a recall; not just of the President but of congress too.

Whatever the current dopes in congress are pushing, our President, if he cared for the average American, would DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE!

Instead of talking down the economy, try to pump it up1. Everything that this current lot does, sends the DJA into another tailspin. If you're heading over the falls, turn around and paddle faster in the OPPOSITE direction. Idiots.

Say what you want about Dubya, but at least he held the ship together. This current lot is bailing us out by poking holes in the hull. Frankly, I am surprised they are smart enough to even do that but I guess if you try to shoot yourself in the foot long enough, eventually you'll hit it.

Maybe under Dubya people didn't have confidence in his Presidency but at least there was confidence in business. Now, there is no confidence in business and no confidence in the presidency. Businesses at least usually find ways to make money. Government only looks for ways to spend money and nothing could be truer today.

As of now, the Bush years seemed pretty darn good. Things didn't start to slide until the 110th Congress took office and the major meltdowns didn't really happen until the polls started indicating that BHO's lead over McCain was insurmountable for McCain and thus became imminent that BHO would win the election. And once he did, things got even worse2.

And let's not forget the media that began cheering for a recession after the 2004 election. Repeat a lie often enough and it does become truth. Treasonous bastards.

Hopefully, I should have time to recoup these losses. Unfortunately, many don't.

1 No sooner than I type this, Ben Bernanke says that the recession may end this year and stocks get an upwards bounce; good, even if it's a small step. Think positive. Let's see of BHO negates this by talking down the economy again tonight during his address.

2Frankly, I think this meltdown was too well timed to be the result people who can't pay their mortgages. The sh*t hit the fan after McCain got the bump from the Palin announcement.
I think some bigwig liberals with lots of money (George Soros types) had a plan in place in case the Republican nominee was leading or rising in the polls 8-10 weeks out from election day. Call me crazy and maybe I'm wrong but we'll know for sure in perhaps 10 years or so. We could know sooner if anyone in the media cared to investigate this odd coincidence but don't hold your breath. I'm not convinced that this isn't an October surprise gone awry or, perhaps worse, a carefully crafted plan to force drastic socialist-type policies into our lives. An October surprise is supposed to be something with some truthful elements spun the right way that it taints the character or questions the ability of the candidate, not something that wrecks the economy and puts people's jobs and retirement savings in jeopardy. This time, someone went way too far.

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