I don't carry  
I saw this on Runnersworld.com:

Is That a Pistol in Your Shorts?

I don't see how anyone can carry when running. It's not the size that I see as the problem but rather the weight. Now, it may be a good idea to pack if you run in, say, Washington or Chicago or other cities where handgun bans have illustrated how obtuse some public officials and voting citizens can be. Elsewhere, I think pepper spray and a cell phone would suffice if you're a little worried about being out on your own.

When I run, I don't like to take anything extra. Some people like to take a water bottle and carry it and others like to wear a fanny belt with a bottle holder and sometimes space for an MP3 player or cell phone. Again, I think a cell phone is a good idea but I usually don't take it. I do take it when biking, though.

My standard raiment:

Shoes - Saucony Stabil 6, wide. My feet are beginning to ache a little so my flat feet may be breaking down the support. With over 100 miles on them, it may be time to replace them.

Socks - Wicking running socks that keep the feet dry. They seem to work. The Under Armours I bought were Made in USA but the Adidas were not.

Shorts - On hot days, I don't wear underwear, just something for, um, support. I have a few pairs of Under Armour running shorts. I usually stick a tissue and a cough drop in a pocket. Today I filled a sealed sandwich baggie with some ice. I put a cube or two in my hat and then splashed myself on occasion to cool off. I keep my trash in my pocket until I see a can.

Shirt - Wicking running shirt. Works ok but once it's above 80F and you're running more than a mile or two, you still get soaked with sweat.

Nike Fit-dry hat. Keeps sweat out of my eyes, even above 80F.

Timex Expedition watch for timing.

Apply sunblock and wear cheapo $5 sunglasses in the unlikely event that the bright yellow orb is out.

Other than a wedding band, I don't wear jewelry at all. But I don't wear the ring when I run as it has the tendency to slip off sometimes. Earlier this year I was at a birthday party for a friend and the ring went flying across the room whilst making a hand gesture during conversation.

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