Relay - Six Days Away 
For my last "long" run before the relay, I cranked out a 5.18 mile run* in 54:45. That works out to be a 10:34 pace and 5.7 mph. Due to situational circumstances, my last two runs, which were 4.0 and 3.11 miles, were on the treadmill (college gym, hotel) at pretty good clips - 10:22 and 9:56 respectively. But with no obstacles like hills or traffic, one would expect a treadmill pace to be better than an outside run through the neighborhood. Of course, during an event like a marathon, the runners will be isolated from traffic so that won't be an excuse for losing time.

I'll rest tomorrow and perhaps lift weights on Wednesday. Thursday will be rest and Friday I'll plan for a tune-up run of maybe 3 miles.

My official goal now is to complete my 5.5 mile leg in 59:59 or under. A 10:45 pace would come out to be 59:08 and I think I can sustain that.

*according to

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