First 5K 
I registered today for my first ever 5K. The race will be on the first Saturday of April.

I need to keep on with my current training schedule - running (weather permitting) or the treadmill at the gym; four days a week. All things considered, I find straight running much easier than a treadmill. Maybe it's the intimidation of the digital screen showing every tick of 1/100 of a mile or maybe it's just that's stationary and boring. Of course, I've been lifting at the gym and I will hit the bike when it's warm enough too.

Nonetheless, I will be ready.

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I didn't know this until about a week ago, but Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin were both born on February 12, 1809. Both great men in their chosen careers, yes, and both controversial during their time, with Darwin still being a subject of controversy. Nonetheless, happy 200th to both.

I'm a little miffed that Google decided to honor Darwin over Lincoln though. I was hoping they would do something that honored both - perhaps one side of their logo be Lincoln and the other being Darwin. But that might look tacky. Maybe Google sees themselves as more science than politics (debatable since Google admits to censoring content, which always results in political sway) but that's another topic.

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Taste of Spring 
Being a balmy 55F yesterday, I got the bicycle out and did a standard route of about 8.5 miles. I got a little wet due to the melting snow but it was worth it. The cold and well below normal temperatures locally (-4 for Jan and so far -2 for Feb; if they were 4F above, some people would use that biased sample as proof of global warming, like they do nowadays when a heatwave strikes a region in JULY) it's been harder to get out and run and no way am I biking in 22F weather. I do go to the gym two days and week and spend some time running on the treadmill and then do some weightlifting too. I am eyeing a 5K in March which is six weeks earlier than the 5K I wanted to run in the first weekend of May. However, I haven't done 5K yet in any of my runs and my best was 2.5m (4.17km) on the treadmill. If I keep on and can plan on March being warmer than Feb., I may be able to really tune myself up during the first two weeks of March. For now, I'll keep doing what I am doing and that might get me ready for that 5K around St. Paddy's Day.

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Time to Move On 
For those of you with those "W" stickers on your car bumpers and rear windows, it's time to move on. We have a new President and you need to replace those stickers with something reflective of our new administration.

Sometimes you just have to move on. No excuses. And if you're one of the 500 million Americans who have lost your job in the past month, don't say you can't find the time to, um, upgrade? Or would it be downgrade?

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Only in NJ 
Yes, in New Jersey, the state that can't even manage itself well enough to keep casinos - an excellent source of free money - open; comes this story:

It's Raining Dead Birds in New Jersey

So let me get this straight, one of only two states where you can't pump your own gasoline, people are expected to clean up poisoned birds from their property? Sure, they say the poison used poises no threat to people but I can assure you that animal carcasses will bring a crowd of nature's scavengers, especially given the cold weather. Go ahead, pick up that decomposing animal or fight off that rabid raccoon for that dead bird, But, pump your own gas? Never! It's not safe!

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Democrats Oppose Progress 
So much for being "progressive."

Senate OKs 4-month delay to digital TV changeover

Unbelievable; and the follies have just begun. They've been advertising this change for two years plus.

The irony is that if people don't understand this changeover, making their TV's unusable would actually be doing them a favor.

Update (01/28) House defeats bill to delay digital TV transition

from the article:

The defeat is a setback for President Barack Obama and Democrats on Capitol Hill, who maintain that the Bush administration bungled efforts to ensure that all consumers — particularly poor, rural and low-income Americans — will be ready for next month's analog shut-off.

Of course Bush bungled it. It's the government's responsibility to make sure you have a television that works. But, hey, I guess if people can't understand what "get out, now" means when a Category 4 Hurricane bears down on them, they certainly would not understand what "Analog television sets receiving free TV using an antenna will not work after February 17, 2009. Television viewers with these sets that are not connected to a pay TV service need to take action now. Most consumers who purchase a converter box today can connect it to their existing television and begin enjoying the benefits of digital television immediately." means.

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...very cold. So far, nearly every day has been below normal this month. Take a look.

It's not just local, either: Deep Freeze Chills Florida

UK's Met Office sees cold winter continuing

Abnormally cold winter among issues facing utilities (Iowa)

Northwest MT cold means bigger energy bills
(really? who woulda thunk)

MA, RI take on more snow, cold temperatures

I much prefer the 'warming' part of global warming to the 'cooling' part.

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Championship Sunday 
For what it's worth, here are my picks:

Eagles 27, Cardinals 24

Ravens 20, Steelers 16

Seems like the consensus is that we are going to see a Turnpike Superbowl. I don't think so.

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Decadence is OK, if it's Obama 
Where is all the outrage over the excessive costs of BHO's inauguration?

Obama's inauguration set to be the most expensive in US history

Surely, we all remember the furor just four years ago.

It's his party ...and it costs $40 million
Change "Bush" to "Obama" and edit the current events, and I wonder if the tone would be the same? Didn't think so.

Inauguration: Bush's Corporate Donors

I like this line from that one: "The country is at war. Many at home are out of work and struggling financially just to survive."

Laura Bush Defends Gala in Time of War and Disaster
Will there be any stories about Mrs. Obama defending the partying during this time of war and disaster? Don't count on it.

Some Question Steep Inauguration Price Tag
Will Obama cancel his festivities to set an example? Will any prominent liberal or Democrat ask him to? Ha.

FLASHBACK: Liberal Hack Was OUTRAGED at Cost of Bush Inauguration, Not So Much About Obama's

AP Slammed Bush’s ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural in ’05, but Now It’s Spend, Baby, Spend

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In The Times Today 
From today's NYTimes:

Intelligence Court Rules Wiretapping Power Legal
Surely we will have calls for impeachment of Obama, Biden, and calls for resignation of whoever the attorney general turns out to be. Surely the outrage will be as vehement and vociferous from the same people who called for the heads of Bush and Cheney. Yeah, right. Nothing to see here, move along.

Wisconsin: Racine Mayor Is Arrested
Hmmm, I wonder what party Becker belongs to? When a high-profile Democrat is charged with something and party is omitted, the defense is "everyone knows (Kilpatrick, Spitzer, Blagojevich, et al) is a Democrat." Sure it's small potatoes but if he were a Republican, he would get more coverage and incessant reminders about his party. [saved links: NYTimes, MSNBC]

Geithner’s Skill May Trump Tax Issue
Can't help but admire this puff piece. *gag* If this guy were a Bush nominee, he'd be toast. VP-elect Biden once said it's patriotic to pay higher taxes. Look for the spin to say that paying them late with interest qualifies as "higher" taxes.

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New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services removes Adolf H----- Campbell, sisters from parents' home

The reason is still unclear and the article mentions that local police had no reports of the children being mistreated, but just imagine the irony if the children were taken simply because their names, no matter how inappropriate and offensive it may be.

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100 Books 
Five years ago, I set out on a challenge to read 100 books in five years. I topped that number by three. Here's the list.

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